Sunday, January 31, 2010

Contact After Break Up - - Strategies For Contacting Your Ex

Just lay low for at least three days so that you don't do or say anything that you might regret later. Once you ride out those few days though, you need to decide what the break up means to you.

Contact After Break Up - - Strategies For Contacting Your Ex

If your ex left you, then you might be left wondering what made you seem unworthy of keeping the relationship going. If you truly believe that your relationship should be saved then here is what you need to do next.

Write a short letter to your ex. Very briefly you state that you understand why you have parted ways, you do want your ex to be happy whether that is with you or not, and that you will back off.

A week later, whether you heard from your ex or not, send a brief email. Only a few sentences mentioning that you sincerely hope your ex is doing as well as possible, and that you are managing fairly well and are making the best of things.

If you were the one dumped then your best window of opportunity is not based on how long since you broke up, but rather have you shown that you still love your ex but you do not need him or her to be happy in the long run.

magic of making up

There is much more, and you can read the full details of this here.

But to really get the help you need just go to the link below, watch the video and get some good free information on keeping the relationship you are blessed with.

Contact After Break Up - - Strategies For Contacting Your Ex


magic of making up

About Me

Hi, this is Amanda. I'm a little bit new to this blogging thing but I just love to share ideas and help others. Relationships can be really difficult, but it can be magical too. I hope you all can experience the magic!