Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Stop Your Divorce -- Look in the Mirror

How much do you want to save your marriage? Look in the mirror and decide if you really want to make it happen.

Your odds for stopping the divorce are extremely high if you take a precise, deliberate series of actions. Do these things right now and don't give up.

1) Tell your spouse your intentions, that you want to save the marriage and that you will do everything required to make your spouse happy.

2) Immediately create a list of the items of contention with your spouse. Focus on the needs of your spouse.

3) Tell everyone in your life that you intend to save your marriage.

4) Do not ask your spouse to do anything and do not complain or make any excuses.

5) Focus totally on overcoming the items of contention.

6) Look in the mirror once per week and ask if you are making your spouse happy.

I am telling you right now that when you turn yourself into a giver, your spouse will respond and you will not regret being the initiator on this. Try it, but only if you really want to stop your divorce and get the love back into your marriage!

magic of making up

You can read the details of this here.

But to really get the help you need just go to the link below, watch the video and get some good free information on keeping the relationship you are blessed with.

Stops Divorce Proceedings in Its Tracks


magic of making up

About Me

Hi, this is Amanda. I'm a little bit new to this blogging thing but I just love to share ideas and help others. Relationships can be really difficult, but it can be magical too. I hope you all can experience the magic!